Agency owners and managers have a lot going on. Between making sure you don’t lose your shirt on client accounts, keeping your staff busy, and working long nights, something as flowery as “professional development” probably isn’t on your to-do list. 

I’m a business owner, too, and I get the temptation to focus on the here-and-now. 

I do. Really. 

But we can’t keep our noses buried in the work. We have to get better at our jobs, and that means … 


… nanodegrees!

“Nanodegree” is often used as a fancy synonym for “online course,” but if you find the right program, it’s a lot more intense (and helpful) than a garden-variety course on YouTube. 

Udacity actually invented the term “nanodegree,” which is different than an online course in three ways:

  • It’s a short course of study. 
  • It’s an online, self-paced program. 
  • Nanodegrees have a highly specialized and niche topic. 

You might think, “Dude, I’ve got so much crap to do. I’m so not taking an online course.” 

And normally, I would agree with you. 

But after earning a few nanodegrees myself (nerd alert!), I’ve found that they’re really, really helpful in an agency environment. 

Nanodegrees help agency owners:

  • Get the knowledge you need. Know the latest and greatest Google Ads practices, how to “do” SEO without spamming the world, and what the hell TikTok actually is for with an online course.
  • Niche down in your existing skills. Want to be Google Ads Certified? Take a nanodegree course to help you prep for the exam. 
  • Stand out! It feels pretty good being able to say, “My team is certified in inbound marketing and advertising” to a potential client. 

The awesome thing about nanodegrees is that they give you real-world knowledge for a really low price. It’s like the college experience we all should have had, minus the crushing debt. 

The Best 5 Online Courses For Agency Leaders

After some poking around on the internet, I’ve compiled my top 5 picks for agency nanodegrees. I chose them based on customer reviews, price point, and overall usefulness. 

P.S. Each of these courses has a self-paced option and you get a certification of completion, too. 

P.P.S. No, I don’t make money off recommending these courses. 🙂 

1. The Ultimate Google Ads Training 2020: Profit with Pay Per Click

Price: $10.99 as of writing

Right now, this is Udemy’s highest-rated course on Google Ads. Best of all, you don’t have to be a Google Ads pro to sign up for this. 

This is perfect if you manage a team of PPC pros, but have little experience in PPC yourself. The course covers things like:

  • Keyword targeting
  • Conversion tracking
  • A/B testing
  • Spending less per click
  • Remarketing

I also like this course as a cheap way to study for the Google Ads Certification. If you aren’t in the mood to shell out cash, though, Google does have a robust free option

2. Mautic and Amazon SES Installation

Price: $10.99 as of writing

Running a small agency on a shoestring budget? Great! You’re in the same boat as 90% of all marketing agencies. You can use Amazon Web Service to promote the heck out of your own business and your clients’ businesses. 

If that sounds like a foreign language to you, consider this course. You’ll learn:

  • How to use Mautic and Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) for a marketing funnel on AWS. 

I like that this course is just two hours, so you can knock it out in an afternoon. It gives you a great step-by-step tutorial on how to configure everything, so it has an immediate real-world application. 

3. Fast & Effective Landing Pages

Price: $10.99 as of writing

Landing pages are pants-on-fire important for getting people to convert on an offer. But there’s a lot that goes into designing a healthy landing page, and even the best agency leaders make mistakes. 

Brush up on your landing page skills with this course. You’ll learn things like:

  • How to design landing pages with zero coding. 
  • The psychology of design (and how it relates to better marketing). 
  • Landing page best practices. 
  • How in the world to actually do A/B testing. 

Fast & Effective Landing Pages takes you through the process of building landing pages using the Instapage tool. Instapage is a paid tool, but you can always sign up for the free 14-day trial to go with your course

What I really love about this course is that, once you finish the landing page, the instructor will actually send over recommendations and tips about your landing page. It’s a cheap way to get advice about your website, which I think pays for the course alone. 

4. Advanced SEO Certification Program

Price: $599 – $999 

This is the priciest course on my list, but for good reason. This course gets into the specifics of SEO optimization, so it’s best reserved for agency leaders who have experience in SEO. 

If you’re well-versed in all things SEO and want to brush up on your knowledge, this is a good bet. You’ll delve into topics like:

  • Data
  • Analytics
  • Content Marketing
  • HTML and site optimization

You can do the self-paced version of the course for $599. That gives you access to 30+ hours of video and tons of examples. 

But if you need a little more accountability, they do give you the option for blended learning at $999. That includes self-paced lessons with instructor-led mentorship and lessons along the way. 

5. Facebook / Instagram Advertising Course

Price: $10.99 as of writing

So, you’ve got your Google Ads game on lock, but what about social media PPC? This course gives you the low-down on more advanced strategies for Instagram and Facebook Ads. 

This course teaches you how to:

  • Set up your campaign. 
  • How to create custom pixel events. 
  • The ins and outs of hyper-targeting
  • Optimize the design of your ads. 
  • Scale your campaigns. 

If you’re struggling to get more results on your clients’ campaigns, this is a good investment in your business. 

The bottom line

How did you get where you are today, boss? 

It was by grinding and doing the work, for sure, but it was also through learning. 

The biggest mistake I made in my first year of self-employment was not investing in myself. 

Let’s all avoid getting stale, huh? With so many inexpensive options at your fingertips, you can create a portfolio of impressive skills that brings clients to your doorstep.