You know it. I know it.

Long gone are the days when marketers could just mention a problem and then present a solution. That’s because people aren’t buying your product: they’re buying the OUTCOME of your product. 

Empathy is the name of the game now. After you’ve built up your authority and credibility, it’s important to acknowledge the customer’s problem and empathize with their pain. And even then, you still need to explain why your stuff is better!

The Persuasion Formula

People want to feel heard. When a customer believes that a company truly understands their challenges, they won’t think twice about investing. 

That’s where the persuasion formula comes in. It provides the areas where you should focus—and the order in which you should present them—for a more effective marketing message. Follow this 6-step formula for marketing persuasion to turn more heads.

1 – Present The Problem

Your problem statement is still one of THE most important parts of your message. Your problem statement helps you connect to the right audience by demonstrating that you understand the challenge they’re facing. 

The basic formula for your problem statement is:

I help (AUDIENCE) with (PROBLEM)

Here’s an example: 

“I help business owners who feel ‘stuck’ break through their plateaus by creating a brand that authentically connects them with their ideal customers.”

2 – Acknowledge Their Pain

What negative feelings or side effects are your customers feeling? How does their problem cause this pain?

Note that this is not the same thing as the problem itself—these are the feelings they have as a result of the problem. Anxious, stressed, frustrated, inadequate … humans are much more likely to take action if it moves them away from painful emotions.




“You’re feeling frustrated because you’ve been working hard to market yourself and do the ‘right things,’ but you have next to nothing to show for it. It’s like you’re running on a treadmill when you really want to be climbing to the top of the mountain.”

3 – Give Them An Antidote

Your antidote is the specialized method, discovery, or tool you have to help your prospect remedy their pain. Your customers need to feel as though THIS is what they’ve been waiting for.


To overcome (PROBLEM), you need (SOLUTION)


“To cut through the noise and reach the people you’re meant to serve, you need a brand identity that will capture the attention of your ideal customers and help them understand why you’re the solution for them.” 

4 – Pivot To Your Solution

Here’s where you start to talk a little more about your business and how you can solve the customer’s problem.

Be careful, though! It’s easy to fall into the “MEMEMEMEEEEE” trap. I know your stuff is awesome, but you still can’t turn this into a spammy billboard for your business. Stick to the basics: your qualifications, credentials, and your mission. 


I’m on a mission to (MISSION) because (REASON WHY) and I discovered (UNIQUE SOLUTION) to help (CORE BENEFIT).


“I’m on a mission to help small businesses get to the next level because I know what it feels like when your business becomes stagnant. Through my own struggles, I discovered this simple 7-step process to create a brand identity that not only attracts the right audience, but that makes people excited to work with you.”

5 – Acknowledge What They’ve Already Tried 

Think about what other solutions your prospect may have tried in the past. Why didn’t they work? What’s the missing puzzle piece?




“Maybe you feel like you’ve already created a ‘brand’. You’ve hired a graphic designer to give you a kickass logo and a web developer to create a beautiful website. But your business still isn’t growing the way you thought it would because your message is disjointed and your audience doesn’t feel connected to you.”

6 – Introduce Your Product

Here’s where you talk about your business. You’ll mention your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)—what’s better, simpler, faster, or easier about your product or service. What sets you apart?


The best/simplest/fastest way to overcome (PROBLEM) is to (WHAT YOU DO) so that (UNIQUE POSITIONING)


“The best way to overcome a stagnant business is to create an effective brand identity. My easy-to-follow 7-step formula will walk you through the entire process of creating your brand so your message is unique and memorable. The result? Clients will be lining up to purchase from you because they trust you and feel a connection to your business.”

The bottom line

“Persuasion” doesn’t mean “spam.” This quick formula helps you build empathy for your prospects at every step of the way. It’s a much better way to warm up your leads by leaning into what they need. When in doubt, make your prospect the hero of the story with you as their loyal sidekick.