How To Manage A Remote Marketing Agency

How To Manage A Remote Marketing Agency

There’s no getting around it: this pandemic is forcing more and more people to work remotely. A survey conducted by Seyfarth Shaw Law Firm shows that more than 65% of employers are making arrangements to give in-office employees the ability to work from home. Business...
SEO isn’t what you think it is

SEO isn’t what you think it is

Although I’m not technically an SEO pro, a lot of my work as a writer revolves around SEO. Most (if not all) of my lovely clients come to me asking for “SEO optimized content.”  The thing is, many business owners know they “need to do SEO,” but don’t understand what...
Go loco for local PPC

Go loco for local PPC

Thinking local isn’t for hipsters any more. PPC strategists and marketers also need to go local when it comes to our campaigns. We can take advantage of geography to better promote local businesses through PPC. Let’s say I have a client that has a chain of stores....
Managing your mental health as an agency leader

Managing your mental health as an agency leader

When you lead a marketing, SEO, or advertising agency, your job is cutthroat. Not only do you have to be one tough cookie in the board room, but you also have to lead a team, manage client relationships, and, oh, be a person outside of work, too. I used to work at a...